",$html); $html = str_replace("˘","¢",$html); $html = str_replace("Ł","£",$html); $html = str_replace("€","€",$html); $html = str_replace("Ą","¥",$html); $html = str_replace("™","™",$html); $html = str_replace("©","©",$html); $html = str_replace("®","®",$html); return $html; } function txtentities($html){ $trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans = array_flip($trans); return strtr($html, $trans); } function AdjustHTML(&$html,$usepre=true) { //Try to make the html text more manageable (turning it into XHTML) $html = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$html); //replace carriagereturn-linefeed-combo by a simple linefeed if ($usepre) //used to keep \n on content inside
or ",$html); //restore // (the code above might slowdown overall performance?) } //if ($usepre) else { $html = str_replace("\f",'',$html); //replace formfeed by nothing $html = str_replace("\r",'',$html); //replace carriage return by nothing $html = str_replace("\n",'',$html); //replace linefeed by nothing $html = str_replace("\t",' ',$html); //replace tabs by spaces } $html = str_replace("< IMPRIMIR >",'',$html); //remover especial desta versão $regexp = '/\\s{2,}/s'; // turn 2+ consecutive spaces into one $html = preg_replace($regexp,' ',$html); //Avoid crashing the script on PHP 4.0 $version = phpversion(); $version = str_replace('.','',$version); if ($version >= 430) $html = html_entity_decode($html); // changes and the like by the respective char else $html = lesser_entity_decode($html); // remove redundant
's before , avoiding huge leaps between text blocks // they appear on computer-generated HTML code $regexp = '/(
)+?<\/div>/si'; $html = preg_replace($regexp,'',$html); } ?>