What if you want to increment the value of one of the columns of your fixture table at run time? You can use the !-IncrementColumnsValue-! decorator. This lets you increment column's values. This decorator supports the following data types: * int or integer * double * string * date !|Increment Columns Value|numerator|of type|int|by|5| |Division| |numerator|denominator|quotient()| |10|2|5| |10|3|5| |10|4|5| !|Increment Columns Value|numerator|of type|integer|by|5| |Division| |numerator|denominator|quotient()| |10|2|5| |10|3|5| |10|4|5| !|Increment Columns Value|numerator|of type|double|by|10.2| |Division| |numerator|denominator|quotient()| |10.2|2|5.1| |10.2|4|5.1| !|Increment Columns Value|numerator|of type|string|by|5| |Division| |numerator|denominator|quotient()| |5|1|5| |5|11|5| |5|111|5| Updates the dates by 5 days. !|Increment Columns Value|inDate|of type|date|by|5| |Get Dates| |inDate|updatedDate()| |12/02/2006|12/02/2006| |12/02/2006|12/07/2006| |12/22/2006|01/01/2007| This decorator by itself is not as useful. But piped with other decorators this can be really handy.