When you execute a test page, !-FitNesse-! gathers up the classpaths prior to running the test. The classpaths are found in the !-!path-! widgets of the test page, and every ancestor of the test page. The paths are ordered so that paths found on the subpages come before paths found on their parents. ---- !|Library| |echo fixture| !define PROPERTY_DISPLAY ( &bang;define TEST_SYSTEM {SLIM} &bang;define SLIM_PORT {9900} !path classes !path fitnesse.jar !|Import| |fitnesse.fixtures| !|script|java properties| |show|property|java.class.path| ) !|script|page driver| |given page|ParentPage|with content|!path parentPath| -!|script| |given page|ParentPage.TestPage|with content|${PROPERTY_DISPLAY}| -!|script| |page|ParentPage.TestPage?test|should contain|classes${path.separator}fitnesse.jar${path.separator}parentPath|