!3 The !-DotNet FitServer-! will look for your Fixture in any of the namespaces defined in an Import table. By default, the !-DotNet FitServer-! includes the "fit" namespace. This test suite includes the "fitnesse.acceptanceTests" namespace in the !-SetUp-! fixture, and clears all namespaces (except "fit") after each test in the !-TearDown-! fixture. ---- Show that only "fit" and "fitnesse.acceptanceTests" are present. (If there are any other namespaces present already, this table will show a failure). !|Namespace Inspector| |Namespace | |fit| |fitnesse.acceptanceTests| |fitnesse.handlers| Add "some.namespace". !|Import| |some.namespace| Show that "some.namespace" is present. !|Namespace Inspector| |Namespace | |fit| |fitnesse.acceptanceTests| |fitnesse.handlers| |some.namespace|