!3 Core fixtures in flow A fixture may be named in later tables in a sequence of tables, and is handled in the usual way for core fixtures. !3 Flow fixtures not in flow If the fixture named in the first table is not a !-DoFixture-!, the tables are handled in the usual way for core tables. ''!-DoFixture-!''s can still be used in this case. !3 Stopping !-DoFixture-! There are two ways of stopping a !-DoFixture-! from continuing to run a storytest when there is an error (or whatever): * Call ''setStopOnError(true)'' -- on the next unexpected exception, !-DoFixture-! will stop running * Use the !-DoFixture-! action ''abandon storytest'' or call ''abandonStorytest(null)'' -- and !-DoFixture-! will stop running the rest of the storytest