Let's look at what happens when an action fails. | !-ChatStart-! | |''connect user''|sarah| |''user''|sarah|''creates''|fit|''room''| There should be no occupants in the "fitNesse" room: |check|''occupants''|fit|0| Sarah can't enter an unknown room: |''user''|sarah|''enters''|unfit|''room''| We can expect that, by putting ''reject'' in the first cell: |reject|''user''|sarah|''enters''|unfit|''room''| and an unknown user can't create a room: |reject|''user''|george|''creates''|unfit|''room''| Sarah hasn't entered the room, so she can't be in there: |''users in room''|fit| |''name''| |sarah| Here's a ''DoFixtureSummary''. ---- * ''Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Rick Mugridge, Rimu Research.'' * ''Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.''