DotGraphics allows graph images to be used in tests in any of the ''!-FitLibrary-!'' fixture. For example, graphs are used in the following ''!-DoFixture-!'' example: !|fitlibrary.specify.DoGraphics| |check|graph|!img http://files/dots/ChatGraph.gif | This requires that ''Dot'', an open-source graph visualization system, is installed. ''Dot'' is available at The corresponding fixture is as follows: ----{{{public class DoGraphics extends DoFixture { public DotGraphic graph() { return new DotGraphic("digraph G {\n"+ "lotr->luke;\n"+ "lotr->Anna;\n"+ "shrek->luke;\n"+ "shrek->anna;\n"+ "shrek->madelin;\n"+ "}\n"); } } }}}----Because of the special type ''!-DotGraphic -!'', ''!-FitLibrary-!'' expects that the cell contains a IMAGE link to an image file, which has an associated text file. ''!-DotGraphic -!'' compares the text of the associated text file with the text supplied by the ''graph()'' method. If it's the same, the cell is colored green; otherwise, Dot is run on the actual text and the resulting image is displayed as the actual value. See Chapters 11 and 29 of the FitBook for other examples. A ''!-DotGraphic -!'' is a MetaTypeAdapter. ---- * ''Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006 Rick Mugridge,'' * ''Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.''