!c !1 Change an employee between two paydays !c (''To see the results see: http://files/PayrollTestResults/PayrollTestTwoResults.html''.) ---- First we add two employees. |Employees| |id|name|address|salary| |1400|June Languid|10 Adamant St; Laurel, MD 20707|1005| |1401|Kelp Holland|12B Baker St; Cottonmouth, IL 60066|2000| Then we pay them. |Pay Day| |pay date|check number| |1/31/2001|3000| Make sure their paychecks are OK. |Paycheck Inspector| |id|amount|name|number| |1400|1005||| |1401|2000||| Add a new employee. |Employees| |id|name|address|salary| |1500|Jane Blow|1 Sixth St; Ratus, IA 45250|1500.00| Change an existing employee. |Change Employees| |id|name|address|salary| |1400|June Bride|10 Adamant St; Laurel, MD 20707|1005.00| Pay them again. |Pay Day| |pay date|check number| |2/28/2001|4000| Make sure the paychecks are still being generated properly. |Paycheck Inspector| |id|amount|name|number|date| |1400|1005|June Bride||| |1401|2000|Kelp Holland||| |1500|1500|Jane Blow|||