!1 !c Simple Acceptance Test for Social Security !2 We want to test that social securithy deductions are being made from the paycheck. Social Security is 5% up to $80,000 ---- |!-payrollTest.FicaValues-!| |rate|limit| |0.05|80000| Add a few employees. |payrollTest.Employees| |id|name|address|salary|valid?| |1|Jeff Languid|10 Adamant St; Laurel, MD 20707|1005.00|true| |2|Kelp Holland|12B Baker St; Cottonmouth, IL 60066|2000.00|true| Next we pay them. |!-payrollTest.PayDay-!| |payDate|checkNumber|valid?| |1/31/2001|1000|true| We make sure their paychecks are correct. The blank cells will be filled in by the !-PaycheckInspector-!ß fixture. The cells with data in them already will be checked. |!-payrollTest.PaycheckInspector-!| |id|amount|fica|number|name|date| |1|954.75|50.25|||| |2|1900|100|||| Finally we make sure that the output contained two, and only two paychecks, and that they had the right check numbers. |!-payrollTest.PaycheckInspector-!| |number| |1000| |1001|