!1 Payroll Cheque Printing The system will automatically print payroll cheques: * one cheque per employee, with employee's name, address and salary on the cheque * using the payroll date * the cheque numbers will be unique * starting from the next available cheque number in ascending order * in the alphabetic order based on employee name !* Payroll context !|Payroll date|1/31/2001| !|Next available cheque number|1000| !|Employees in the system | |name |address |salary | |Jeff Languid|10 Adamant St; Laurel, MD 20707 |1005.00| |Kelp Holland|12B Baker St; Cottonmouth, IL 60066|2000.00| *! !|All cheques printed in the payroll run | |cheque number|cheque date|payee |address |amount | |1000 |1/31/2001 |Jeff Languid|10 Adamant St; Laurel, MD 20707 |1005.00| |1001 |1/31/2001 |Kelp Holland|12B Baker St; Cottonmouth, IL 60066|2000.00|