This is very similar to the last example, but a different logger is used: ''!-FixturingLogger-!''. !|fitlibrary.specify.log.AppWithFixturingLogger| The above fixturing code is as follows: {{{ public class AppWithFixturingLogger { private static Logger logger = FixturingLogger.getLogger(AppWithLog4j.class); public boolean call() { logger.trace("App called"); return true; } } }}} |''with fixturing logger''| |''level''|TRACE| |''show after''|true| * On ''Test'', the following has text added after the table, because we've enabled ''show after'' and the level is TRACE: |''call''| |''with fixturing logger''| |''level''|DEBUG| * The following does not add text because the level is DEBUG, so trace() calls are not shown: |''call''| |''with fixturing logger''| |''level''|TRACE| |''show after''|false| * The following does not add text because we've disabled ''show after'': |''call''| # ----!1 Next # Continue with the [[rest of the tutorial here][