!1 3. log4j logging # There are three aspects to logging with log4j when using ''!-FitLibrary-!''. * Sections 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 apply whether you're currently using log4j or not. * Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.6 are only relevant to you if you're currently using log4j for logging in your application. We assume familiarity with log4j. See the manual that's part of the log4j download for a good introduction. If you use another logging system, and would like to be able to hook it into ''show after'' as in 3.1 below: * Contact me and I can add a plugin mechanism to allow it. Rick Mugridge (rick at rimuresearch.com). # ----!2 3.1 Appending log4j output after tables # If you're having trouble working out what's going on (or wrong) in a storytest and/or your code, you may find it convenient to have your log4j logs appended after !-FitLibrary-! tables. To start this, add the following action to the top of your storytest, just after the table that specifies the main fixture (''false'' stops it): |''with log4j''| |''show after''|true| This adds a special log4j ''Appender'' that will display log information in the report. (See the log4j docs for details of ''Appender''s if you're interested.) * This will not affect other appenders that you use in your application, such as writing to a log file. * You configure logging to be enabled in log4j in the usual manner in order for logs to appear. When ''!-FitLibrary-!'' runs a storytest with ''show after'' turned on for log4j. * All the logging information that arrives while a table is executing will be appended to that table. * The logging is thread-safe, so it will handle logging from several threads at once. * Any logging that occurs after the storytest finished will not be shown in the report. Log4j levels can also be controller with the following actions, for example: |''with log4j''| |''level''|DEBUG|''for''|''com.corp.us.app.pck''| or, for all: |''with log4j''| |''level''|TRACE| Note that this is a global setting; it's not specific to a storytest and so will affect subsequent storytests in a suite. It's assumed that it will normally be used with a single storytest while investigating its behaviour. With careful use of packages (or other log4j ''names''), you can easily tailor the logs that are collected and thus shown after tables. See [[this page for an example][^ExampleLog4j]] # ----!2 3.2 Logging to log4j from fixture code # Fixturing code can call the ''logText()'' method to have information logged with log4j (it will only show up if logging in normal log4j is enabled): |''action that logs''|logging to go to log4j| The underlying method is in a subclass of ''!-DoFixture-!'':{{{ public void actionThatLogs(String s) { logText(s); } }}}# ----!2 3.3 Using !-FixturingLogger-! in your fixture # Here's how to use it in your fixture code if: * You don't use log4j in your application code, or * You prefer to keep your fixture and application logging completely separate Similar actions to those above apply. However, it uses a separate "name space" so that its logging does not affect normal uses of log4j. See [[this page for an example][>ExampleFixturingLogger]] !-FixturingLogger-! is used by some of the fixtures in ''!-FitLibraryWeb-!'', such as for ''web services''. # ----!2 3.4 Logging of ''!-FitLibrary-!'' itself # ''!-FitLibrary-!'' uses log4j for logging as well. However, it uses another, separate "name space" so that its logging does not affect normal uses of log4j. You may like to turn on the logging in ''!-FitLibrary-!'' so you can see what it's doing. For example: |''!-with FitLibrary logger-!''| |''level''|TRACE| |''show after''|true| See [[this page for an example][^FitLibraryLog4j]] # ----!2 3.5 Configuring ''!-FitLibraryLogger-!'' and ''!-FixturingLogger-!'' from property files # Two property files in the ''fitnesse'' directory (at the same level as ''!-FitNesseRoot-!'') are used to configure ''!-FitLibraryLogger-!'' and ''!-FixturingLogger-!'': * !-FitLibraryLogger.properties-! * !-FixturingLogger.properties-! These use the standard log4j property configuration format, but are instead applied to the specialised loggers ''!-FitLibraryLogger-!'' and ''!-FixturingLogger-!''. These two files are both the same (as provided), as follows: {{{ log4j.rootLogger=OFF,consoleAppender log4j.appender.consoleAppender=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.consoleAppender.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.consoleAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n log4j.appender.fileAppender=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.fileAppender.File=logForFitLibrary.txt log4j.appender.fileAppender.MaxFileSize=10MB log4j.appender.fileAppender.MaxBackupIndex=1 log4j.appender.fileAppender.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.fileAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n }}}To turn on logging to the console, change the first line to: {{{ log4j.rootLogger=ALL,consoleAppender }}}To just turn on logging after tables, change the first line to: {{{ log4j.rootLogger=ALL }}}To just turn on file logging, change the first line to: {{{ log4j.rootLogger=ALL,fileAppender }}}This may be helpful if a '''Test''' or '''Suite''' doesn't complete, as it will log all the communications that ''!-FitLibraryServer-!'' has with ''!-FitNesse-!''. You may want to also change the name of the logging file, and various other attributes. See the log4j documentation for details. To turn on after-table, console and file logging, change the first line to: {{{ log4j.rootLogger=ALL,consoleAppender,fileAppender }}}# ----!2 3.6 Routing to Standard log4j # The logging from ''!-FitLibraryLogger-!'' and/or ''!-FixturingLogger-!'' can be routed to the standard log4j: * So that you can include it in your usual log files, etc. * This is done at the code level. See [[this page for an example][>RoutingLogger]]. # !1 The End # That's the end of this tutorial on logging.