It's possible, of course, to use a fixture directly, by calling its methods in code. However, it's assumed in ''!-FitLibrary-!'' that the underlying framework will inject a runtime into all fixture objects. The runtime contains such information as: * Values of dynamic variables * Values of time-outs * Defined actions * References to the global action object, which provides methods for dealing with dynamic variables and etc If you try to use a fixture programmatically you may get an error "Runtime has not been injected into this". Here's the fix: After you create your fixture object, explicitly inject a runtime into it. Eg: ----{{{MyDoFixture doF = new MyDoFixture(); doF.setRuntime(new RuntimeContextContainer()); }}}---- Now it's possible for this to be done automatically, and this will be added later. I don't want to do it automatically at this stage because it will hide any other potential problems with runtime. !**> Note for Rick !2 Don't rename this page as it's referenced from within the code at Traverse.getRuntimeContext() **!