!3 Rule Table for Discounts # A rule table is a way of defining, and testing, a business rule by providing several examples. In our first example, the discount is determined from a price (From ${fitBook}, p13): |''A 5% discount is provided whenever the total purchase is greater than $1,000''| |''given amount''|''expected discount?''| |0.00|0.00| |999.95|0.00| |1000.00|0.00| |1010.00|50.50| The table format: * The first row of the table above describes the business rule. This row is called the "header". * The second row names the input and result columns. Here there is one input ("''given amount''") and one result ("''expected discount?''"). * The subsequent rows are examples. For example, when the ''given amount'' is 1010.00, the ''expected discount'' is 50.50. * The input column is to the left of the results column. Results are distinguished with a ''?'' at the end of the name. !3 Code # Here's the [[code for this example][^CodeForDiscount]] !3 Next # SecondRuleTableExample