An ${action} in the ${actions} of ${workflow} consists of a row of a table. * The first cell and every second cell after that contains a ''keyword'' * These ${keywords} tell you what the ${action} is about * The other cells contain information that's used by the ${action}, such as which User, Room, or amount of money. * ${keywords} are often ''italicised'' !3 Examples * See .FitLibrary.UserGuide.FitLibraryByExample.WorkFlow !3 Programmers: Creating a method name from an action The ${keywords} of an action are concatentated together, with spaces between and converted into a valid Java identifier using ${extendedCamelCase}. Eg: * "first example" is mapped to "firstExample" * "%age" is mapped to "percentAge" * "while" is mapped to "_while" There's no need to work out the mapping. Run the storytest and ${fitLibrary} will tell you the name of the method that it expects (if it doesn't exist), along with its arguments. Eg, see: .FitLibrary.UserGuide.FitLibraryByExample.WorkFlow.GeneralCodeDetails