!2 A second booking for the future clashes with one already made |''begin transaction for client''| Joanna |''staff''| Bill | |'''check'''|''book''| 19 || coffee pot |''on''| 2004/05/13 09:01 |''for''|3 days|684.00| |''pay with cash $''|684.00 | |''complete transaction''| * Xiaosong can't book as there is a clash |''begin transaction for client''| Xiaosong |''staff''| Bill | |'''not'''|''book''| 5 || coffee pot |''on''| 2004/05/12 09:01 |''for''|2 days| |'''check'''|''book''| 1 || coffee pot |''on''| 2004/05/12 09:01 |''for''| 2 days| 24.00 | |''pay with cash $''| 24.00 | |''complete transaction''|