!3 Bill created the coffee break template, but then decided to make some changes, so he adjusts the template accordingly. * Setup template |''create template''|coffee break| |''one''|coffee dispenser|''for''|20|''people''| |''one''|hot water dispenser|''for''|20|''people''| |''one''|coffee table|''for''|40|''people''| |''one''|cup|''for''|1|''people''| * Begin transaction for client |''begin transaction for client''|Joanna|''staff''|Bill| |''fill template''|coffee break|''for''|30|''people for''|1 day| |''pay with cash $''|95.90| |''complete transaction''| * Alter coffee break |''begin admin transaction''| Bill | |''alter template''|coffee break| |''one''|coffee table|''for''|20|''people''| |''delete''|hot water dispenser| |''complete transaction''| * Begin transaction for client |''begin transaction for client''|Joanna|''staff''|Bill| |''fill template''|coffee break|''for''|30|''people for''|1 day| |''pay with cash $''|129.90| |''complete transaction''|