!**< def !define map1 (|red|green| |yellow|blue| ) !define map2 (|yellow|blue| |red|green| ) !define test (!|fitlibrary.specify.mapTraverse.ColourMap| |''checks''| |''colour map''|${map1}| |''colour map''|${map2}| ) **! A Map is from any class to any class (ie, Map). Pre-generics, it's not possible to determine the type of the key and the value. So ''!-FitLibrary-!'' picks one element from the Map and uses that to determine the types. This doesn't work if the map is of mixed types, as shown in another storytest. |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test}|!-


colour map
red green
yellow blue

colour map
yellow blue
red green