!**< def !define body (|''name is''|name| |''get''|@{@{this}.name}|is|@{name}| ) !define test (!|fitlibrary.specify.dynamicVariable.DynamicVariablesUnderTest| |define action|Person| |${body}| |'''set'''|Person.name|'''to'''|Rick| |'''oo'''|Person|''name is''|Rick| |''expected test results''|3|''right''|0|''wrong''|0|''ignored''|0|''exceptions''| ) **! If there is only one object of a class, we can use the class directly. |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test}|!-

define action Person
name is name

get @{@{this}.name} is @{name}

set Person.name to Rick

oo Person name is Rick

expected test results 3 right 0 wrong 0 ignored 0 exceptions