!3 Dynamic Variables may be combined with class-based defined actions to provide OO defined actions * This relies on the class of a wiki object being set, as in the example below * A class may define a superclass, as with the class Person below * A ''oo'' action dispatches on the basis of the class of the wiki object concerned * If the defined action is not defined for the class, it looks it up in the superclass, and etc This approach is only intended for advanced storytest writers. >SingleClass >SingleClassFails >SuperClass >SuperClassFails >OverrideDefinedAction >OverrideWithNoImplementation >MissingDefinedAction >UnknownClass >DefaultObject >DefaultObjectWithinDefinedAction >DefinedElsewhere >DefinedElsewhereWithoutClass >DefinedElsewhereWithMultipleLevels >ClassInsteadOfObject >UseTheTextThisInClassBasedActions >DefinedActions ^SingleClassInOldStyle