!**< def !define body (|''login after''|user|''with''|pass| |show|get|@{user}| |show|get|@{user}+@{pass}| ) !define test (!|fitlibrary.specify.definedAction.DefinedActionUnderTest| |define action| |${body}| |login after|Rick|with|Pass| |''set expand defined actions''|true| |login after|Rick|with|Pass| ) *! !3 Any show within the body of a defined action is shown at the point of call, unless the defined action calls are already being expanded. |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test}|!-

define action
login after user with pass

show get @{user}

show get @{user}+@{pass}

login after Rick with Pass
show get Rick Rick
show get Rick+Pass Rick+Pass

set expand defined actions true

login after Rick with Pass Defined action call:
show get Rick Rick

show get Rick+Pass Rick+Pass