!2 When an action throws a !-FitLibraryShowException-!, it defines what text is to be shown in an extra cell added to the row: !**< def !define body (|''add''|name| |add cell to|@{name}| |add cell to|@{name}+@{name}| ) !define test (!|fitlibrary.specify.workflow.ExceptionAddsCells| |define action|Person| |${body}| ---- |'''set'''|rick.name|'''to'''|Rick| |'''set'''|rick.class|'''to'''|Person| |'''oo'''|rick|''add''|Rick| ) **! |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test}|!-

define action Person
add name

add cell to @{name}

add cell to @{name}+@{name}

set rick.name to Rick
set rick.class to Person

rick add
Rick Defined action call:
add cell to Rick added: Rick
next line

add cell to Rick+Rick added: Rick+Rick
next line