!**< def
!define test (!|fitlibrary.specify.DoFixtureFlowUnderTest|
| appends |
| plus|
| plus|
|another object|
| plus|
|access other|
An Integer is not wrapped, so parseInt won't apply to it:
|an Integer|
|parse int|3|is|3|
* If a workflow action returns an object, it's wrapped in a new ''!-WorkflowTraverse-!'', so that the object can be tested in the rest of the table.
* However, this doesn't apply if the object is any of the following: a Fixture, a Traverse, an array, a Collection, a primitive value or a Value Object.
* Primitive values include int, boolean, float, double, char, Boolean, Character, as well as all the Number subclasses (Integer, BigDecimal, Byte, Long etc etc).
fitlibrary.specify.DoFixtureFlowUnderTest |
another object |
plus |
access other |
An Integer is not wrapped, so parseInt won't apply to it:
an Integer |
parse int Missing class or Missing method |
3 |
is |
3 |
* ''appends()'' returns a String, which is not auto-wrapped, and so ''plus()'' is applied to the original ''!-DoFixture-!''
* ''anotherObject()'' returns a fixture, which is itself not auto-wrapped
* Now ''plus()'' is not found in that fixture, as it's a method of that new fixture, and so the method in the original ''!-DoFixture-!'' is called instead (outer scope)
* But ''accessOther()'' is found in that fixture, and so is executed there.