It's possible to keep stepping into other objects, etc, down the table. If an action in any row returns a ${traverse} or Fixture or an ${entity} that's ${autoWrapped}, that applies to the rest of the table. !**< def !define test (!|fitlibrary.specify.DoFixtureFlowUnderTest| |point holder| |point| |check|x|24| |check|y|7| ) !define inner2 (|check|x|24| |check|y|7| ) !define inner1 (|point| |${inner2}| ) !define test2 (!|fitlibrary.specify.DoFixtureFlowUnderTest| |point holder| |${inner1}| ) **! |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test}|!-

point holder
check x 24
check y 7
-!| To enable the subsequent rows to be split, use embedded tables: |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test2}|!-

point holder
check x 24

check y 7
-!| Not all objects are ${autoWrapped}, because some provide values which are checked against an ${expected} string, such as Dates. It's not ideal, but we only auto-wrap an ${entity}. A ${valueObject} is not ${autoWrapped}.