Run ('''Test''') this page to see the help documentation. !2 1. Actions always available # Here are the actions that are always available: |''help''| Notice that they have tooltips, with further information. The display is designed to make it easy to copy and paste an action, before altering any arguments. !2 2. Now we add an object # Now we add an object, so it's added to the scope: !|fitlibrary.specify.workflow.Keywords| And the actions are now extended: |''help''| Notice that the first few actions are not in flow style (alternating keywords and data) and don't have tooltips. That's because there is no documentation associated with them. If you need better documentation, ask the developer of the fixturing code to do some work. Here's how: ^AnnotationsForHelp !2 3. Add another object # Let's add an object into scope (and this has a chain of System Under Tests - ignore that if it doesn't make sense to you): |'''also run'''|''add object''| |''help''| !2 4. Finding some help # We can also look for actions with some text in the name or the tooltip associated with it: |''help with''|show| |''help with''|<| |''help with''|greater| |''help with''|file|