A ${valueObject} can be easily created and checked with an embedded table. There is no problem with creating multiple copies of the same ${valueObject} because of the nature of ''value objects''.
Here's a simple example of using embedded tables for creating and checking ''value objects''.
!**< def
!define table1 (|x|1|
!define table2 (|x|0|y|0|
!define test (!|fitlibrary.specify.valueObject.ParseMyPoint|
|'''check'''|a point|${table1}|${table1}|
|'''check'''|a point|${table2}|${table2}|
|'''check'''|a point|${table1}|${table2}|
fitlibrary.specify.valueObject.ParseMyPoint |
check |
a point |
x |
0 expected 1 actual |
y |
0 expected 2 actual |
You can mix the notations for ''value objects'', using a String in one cell and an embedded table in another