!**< def !define test {!|fitlibrary.specify.valueObject.ParseMyFixedPointAsStringWithSuperDelegate| |'''check'''|a fixed point|(12,34)|(12,34)| |'''check'''|a fixed point|(12,34)|(12,88)| |'''check'''|a fixed point|(12,34)|(0,0)| |''a fixed point as domain object''|(12,34)| |x|12| |y|34| } **! !3 Delegate will handle subtypes The delegate can also override the equals(Object,Object) and the show(Object) methods. In the following, we choose to match fixed points purely on their x coordinate. And we show a fixed point in a different form. |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test}|!-

check a fixed point (12,34) (12,34)

check a fixed point (12,34) (12,88)

check a fixed point (12,34) (0,0) expected
(12,34) actual

a fixed point as domain object (12,34)
x 12
y 34