!**< def !define test (|''add global''|!-fitlibrary.specify.global.ExtraGlobal_MISSPELT-!| |''new global action''| |''add global''|!-fitlibrary.specify.global.ExtraGlobal-!| |''new global action''| ) **! '''add global''' adds a new global object, so that it's methods can be called as actions |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test}|!-
add global fitlibrary.specify.global.ExtraGlobal_MISSPELT
Missing class or Missing method. Possibly:
  • public Type getFitlibraryDotSpecifyDotGlobalDotExtraGlobal_MISSPELT() { }
  • public Type fitlibraryDotSpecifyDotGlobalDotExtraGlobal_MISSPELT() { }

new global action
Missing class or Missing method. Possibly:
  • public Type getNewGlobalAction() { }
  • public Type newGlobalAction() { }

add global fitlibrary.specify.global.ExtraGlobal

new global action