!2 Ambiguity is signalled when more than one special action + action fits !**< def !define test1 {!|fitlibrary.specify.specialAction.AmbiguousSpecial| |check|act|1|is|2| |not|act2|1|is|2| |not|act2|1|<|2| } **! |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test1}|!-
fitlibrary.specify.specialAction.AmbiguousSpecial |
check Ambiguity between: Special check(Row,TestResults) in fitlibrary.traverse.workflow.DoTraverse AND is(TestResults,Row) |
act | 1 | is | 2 |
not Ambiguity between: is(TestResults,Row) AND Special not(DoAction) + act2Is(String,String) (in fitlibrary.flow.GlobalActionScope + fitlibrary.specify.specialAction.AmbiguousSpecial) |
act2 | 1 | is | 2 |
not Ambiguity between: Special lessThan(DoAction,Object) + not1(String) (in fitlibrary.flow.GlobalActionScope + fitlibrary.specify.specialAction.AmbiguousSpecial) AND Special not(DoAction) + act2LessThan(String,String) (in fitlibrary.flow.GlobalActionScope + fitlibrary.specify.specialAction.AmbiguousSpecial) |
act2 | 1 | < | 2 |