!2 'becomes' checks an action against a value; it's prepared to wait for awhile for it to change, with a timeout specified by ''becomes timeout'' !**< def !define test1 {!|fitlibrary.specify.DoFixtureFlowUnderTest| |''becomes timeout''|10| |int property|'''becomes'''|2| |boolean property|'''becomes'''|true| |string property|'''becomes'''|apple pie| |string property|'''becomes'''|apple and blueberry e| |missing property|'''becomes'''|pi| |ambiguous|1|'''becomes'''|2| |''x''|1|''y''|3|'''becomes'''|(1,3)| } **! |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test1}|!-

becomes timeout 10

int property becomes 2

boolean property becomes true

string property becomes apple pie

string property becomes apple and blueberry e expected
apple pie actual
apple and blueberryΔpie diff

missing property
Missing class or Missing method.
becomes pi

ambiguous 1 becomes 2 expected

x 1 y 3 becomes (1,3)