!2 'is' checks an action against a value (and diff handles multiple blank differences) Extra or missing spaces at either end of an inserted or deleted subsequence are shown as Deltas. In the following, ''string property'' has one blank in the middle of the string and ''string property with two blanks'' has two blanks in the middle. !**< def !define test1 {!|fitlibrary.specify.DoFixtureFlowUnderTest| * two blanks expected: |string property|is|apple pie| * one blank expected: |string property|is|apple pie| * no blanks expected: |string property|is|applepie| * two blanks expected: |string property with two blanks|is|apple pie| * one blank expected: |string property with two blanks|is|apple pie| * no blanks expected: |string property with two blanks|is|applepie| * nbsp expected: |string property with non breaking space|is|apple pie| * one blank expected: |string property with non breaking space|is|apple pie| } **! |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test1}|!-

string property is apple pie expected
apple pie actual
apple Δpie diff

string property is apple pie

string property is applepie expected
apple pie actual
appleΔpie diff

string property with two blanks is apple pie

string property with two blanks is apple pie expected
apple pie actual
apple Δpie diff

string property with two blanks is applepie expected
apple pie actual
appleΔΔpie diff

string property with non breaking space is apple&nbsp;pie

string property with non breaking space is apple pie expected
apple&nbsp;pie actual
appleΔ&nbsp;pie diff