!2 '''optionally''' passes regardless of whether the embedded action passes or not. However, show any !-FitLibraryExceptions-! as exceptions. If the action returns false or throws a normal exception, the details are added in an extra cell as an aid to understanding. !**< def !define test1 (!|fitlibrary.specify.DoFixtureFlowUnderTest| |'''optionally'''|a right action|1| |'''optionally'''|a wrong action|1.5||2.2| |'''optionally'''|an exception action| |'''optionally'''|an unknown action| ) **! |!-fitlibrary.spec.SpecifyFixture-!| |${test1}|!-

optionally a right action 1
optionally a wrong action 1.5   2.2 false
optionally an exception action
java.lang.RuntimeException: testing
Missing method
an unknown action
