!**< def
!define test (!|fitlibrary.specify.specialAction.SpecialActions|
|'''show predefined'''|''a string with white space''|
|'''show predefined'''|''ten''|
|'''show predefined'''|''html''|
|'''show predefined'''|''int property''|
|'''show predefined'''|''a true action''|
|'''show predefined'''|''a false action''|
|'''show predefined'''|''an error action''|
!2 'show predefined' adds a new cell to the row to show the returned value of an action, with
tags around it to show new lines, tabs, etc
fitlibrary.specify.specialAction.SpecialActions |
show predefined |
a string with white space |
line one
line 2 |
show predefined |
int property |
2 |
show predefined |
a true action |
true |
show predefined |
a false action |
false |
show predefined whoops |
an error action |