Here we use images in a ''!-GridFixture-!''; they can be used as a value with any of the ''!-FitLibrary-!'' fixtures. !|fitlibrary.specify.GridFixtureUnderTest| |images| |!img http://files/gameImages/wall.jpg |!img http://files/gameImages/space.jpg |!img http://files/gameImages/box.jpg |!img http://files/gameImages/space.jpg |!img http://files/gameImages/wall.jpg | The corresponding code: ----{{{public class GridFixtureUnderTest { public Fixture images() { return new GridFixture(new ImageNameGraphic[][] { { new ImageNameGraphic("images/wall.jpg"), new ImageNameGraphic("gameImages/space.jpg"), new ImageNameGraphic("gameImages/box.jpg"), new ImageNameGraphic("gameImages/space.jpg"), new ImageNameGraphic("gameImages/wall.jpg") }}); } }}}---- Because the type is ''!-ImageNameGraphic-!'', the values in the grid are treated specially. The file name for the image is compared against the file name in the ''!-ImageNameGraphic-!''.