In this example, we show some calculations. Again we keep it very simple, illustrating how an array may be expressed in a comma-separated form and in a table. !**< test !define array1 (|1| |2| |3| ) !define array2 (|0| ) **! |!!| |''calculate''| |comma array||array| |1,2,3||${array1}| |0||${array2}| The method ''arrayCommaArray()'' is called for each row. The whole of the ''!-NestedArray-!'' class is as follows: ----{{{public class NestedArray extends DoFixture { public int[] arrayCommaArray(int[] array) { return array; } } }}}---- Notice that: * The nested table for an array doesn't have a header * The fixture is a ''!-DoFixture-!''. We make use of the ''calculate'' action so that the calculations are handled by a ''!-CalculateFixture-!''. * The comma-separated list form of the array is handled automatically (''!-FitLibrary-!'' can determine the component-type of the array from the argument of the method ''arrayCommaArray()'' Let's now look at NestedObjects.