!3 Future Developments of ${fitLibrary} * Evolution of ${fitLibrary} continues. * Here's some PlannedFuture Some parts of ${fitLibrary} are experimental: * ExperimentalExtensions !3 Further Information * Join the fitlibrary-user email group at https://sourceforge.net/projects/fitlibrary/ * ${fitLibrary} is specified here: .FitLibrary.SpecifiCations * This serves as a technical manual !3 Acknowledgements Special thanks to: * Ward Cunningham for developing ''Fit'' in 2002 * Brian Marick for his ideas on "business-facing" tests and for encouraging me to make ''!-DoFixture-!'' public in 2004 Many thanks to: * Those who have ported/implemented ${fitLibrary} to/in other languages: * John Roth in ''Python'', Randy Coulman in ''Smalltalk'', and Mike Stockdale in ''C#''. * Micah and Bob Martin for ''!-FitNesse-!'' * Gojko Adzic (http://gojko.net) for all his work on fixtures, ${fitNesse} documentation, and his two books: * ''Bridging the Communication Gap'', Neuri Limited, 2009. * ''Test Driven .NET Development with !-FitNesse-!'', Neuri Limited, 2008. * The many people who have used ${fitLibrary}, provided feedback and asked interesting questions.