!2 20081020 * !-SelectFixture-! allows for the use in flow of several !-DoFixtures-! to be interleaved * Can get into flow part-way through a storytest (but need to use !-FitLibraryServer-!) !2 20080702 * Added support for defined actions. See .FitLibrary.SpecifiCations.DefinedActions * Enabled the use of fixture class names while in flow * Included ''!-FitNesse-!'' plugin support for suite fixtures and macros. This means that a ''!-SuiteSetUp-!'' page is run, if it exists up the page hierarchy, when a single storytest is run. !2 20060930 * When running a suite with ${fitLibrary}, the only report tables shown in full are on the first page and those that don't pass * To see the full report for a ${storytest}, run it as a single Test * '''Perhaps''' I should provide another fitLibraryServer that doesn't have this behaviour !2 20060906delta !3 The three phases of ${workflow} * This version enables the three phases of ${workflow} to be made more explicit. * With this approach, the structure of tables for setup and checking have changed * Tables for setup and checking are based on the notion of property-value pairs !3 Nested Tables * The biggest change is the addition of nested tables. * See the examples in .FitLibrary.UserGuide.FitLibraryByExample. * These allow ${storytest}s to look more like user interfaces in the way that they're laid out