<%bte.doc super="item.bte" %> <%bte.tpl name=pageTitle%>Labeled Comma Separated Values (CSV)<%/bte.tpl%> <%bte.tpl name=description%>Read a CSV file and treat the first line as column titles.<%/bte.tpl%> <%bte.tpl name=keywords%>labeled csv parser, labeledcsvparser, java labeled csv, comma separated values with labels, java csv labeled, column headings on csv<%/bte.tpl%> <%bte.tpl name=content%>


LabeledCSVParser lcsvp = new LabeledCSVParser(
    new CSVParser(
        new StringReader(
            "Name,Phone\n" +
            "Stewart,212-555-3233\n" +

while(lcsvp.getLine() != null){
        "Name: " + lcsvp.getValueByLabel("Name")
        "Phone: " + lcsvp.getValueByLabel("Phone")

CSV with column headings: LabeledCSVParser

The labeled CSV parser allows you to use either the CSV or the Excel CSV parsers, treating them as if the first line were the column headings.

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