<%bte.doc super="item.bte" %> <%bte.tpl name=pageTitle%>Password Dialog<%/bte.tpl%> <%bte.tpl name=description%>A password dialog box written for Java Swing.<%/bte.tpl%> <%bte.tpl name=keywords%>swing password dialog, password box, password dialog, dialog for password, java password dialog<%/bte.tpl%> <%bte.tpl name=content%>

Internationalization - included languages: Translations gladly accepted. Please translate PasswordDialog.properties.
You may want to use: Attesoro - A Java Translation Editor
The Java APIs do not have an easy to use password dialog box. This one is written for swing, it extends JDialog. The language displayed is chosen automatically from the system default.

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<%/bte.tpl%> <%/bte.doc%>