%bte.doc super="page.bte" %>
<%bte.tpl name=pageTitle%>com.Ostermiller.util Java Utilities<%/bte.tpl%>
<%bte.tpl name=firstLine%>com.Ostermiller.util Java Utilities<%/bte.tpl%>
<%bte.tpl name=description%>Open source (GPL) Java utilities for common tasks such as CSV, Base64, MD5, String manipulation.<%/bte.tpl%>
<%bte.tpl name=keywords%>ostermillerutils, ostermillerutil, ostermiller utils, ostermiller utilities, java utils, java utilities<%/bte.tpl%>
<%bte.tpl name=content%>
- Base64 - Encode and decode base 64.
- Browser - Open a browser from an application on Windows, Unix, or Macintosh.
- CGI Query String Parser - Libraries to to parse the query data supplied by HTTP GET or POST requests.
- Circular Buffers - Implements the circular buffer producer/consumer model for bytes.
- Concatenation Streams - Combine multiple streams of incoming data to create a single stream.
- Comma Separated Values (CSV) - Libraries to read and write files in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. (Excel CSV Format also available)
- File Helper - Methods for manipulating files.
- Iterators and Enumerations - Convert between Iterators and Enumerations or convert arrays to Iterators or Enumerations.
- Line Ends - Converts text files between various system formats.
- MD5 Sums - Classes for generating MD5 checksums on String, Byte arrays, Streams, or Files.
- NoClose Streams - Create streams that cannot be closed with the regular close() mechanism.
- Parallelizer - Runs multiple jobs in parallel, n threads at a time, and waits until all threads are complete before continuing.
- Password Dialog - A password dialog box written for Swing.
- Random Password Generator - Generate a random String using a cryptographically secure random number generator.
- Significant Figures - Handles parsing, rounding, and displaying numbers for scientific applications.
- Size Limit Input Stream - Create a sub-stream of a specified length from an existing input stream.
- String Helper - Methods for formatting, manipulating, and querying Strings.
- String Tokenizer - A StringTokenizer replacement with enhancements.
- Straight Stream Reader - An input stream reader that does no character class translation.
- Tabs - Tab adjuster that can convert tabs to spaces and vice versa.
- Uber Properties - A replacement for the java.utils.Properties class with enhancements.
Several tools are useful if you want
to modify and recompile these utilities:
- Java SDK - Includes the Java compiler.
- Apache Ant - for building distribution files.
- JFlex - to generate lexers used by several utilities.
- Better Template Engine - To compile the website documentation.
- com.Ostermiller.Syntax package - To color the HTML source code.
- Make - (optional in addition to ant) to automate the build. Consider "make", "make install", "make clean", "make build", and "make javadoc".
- CVS - to check out the latest version of these utilities from the Giant Java Tree.
- Cygwin - to get Unix utilities (including make and CVS) for Windows.
<%bte.tpl name=linkutilies%>Utilities<%/bte.tpl%>