#!/usr/bin/php createInstance($amo_id, $req_par, $id); if($ret == GenericAdmin::EC_OK) print "Instance of class $amo_id with id $id created.\n"; elseif ($ret == GenericAdmin::EC_DUPL_INST) print "Instance of class $amo_id with id $id already existing.\n"; else throw new Exception("Instance creation result: $ret"); return $id; } // main try { // check SysAl-Path //$path = preg_replace("/.Test.*php/", "", __FILE__); if(file_exists("link_to_sysal/AlarmManagement/AlarmManagement.php")) // test environment set_include_path("link_to_sysal" . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); elseif (file_exists("/usr/share/php/SysAl/AlarmManagement/AlarmManagement.php")) // production environment set_include_path("/usr/share/php/SysAl" . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); else throw new Exception("Cannot find SystemAlarming environent"); // create Interface require_once 'AlarmManagement/AlarmManagement.php'; $if = new AlarmManagement(); // create AEDs $req_par = 'Downtimefree_form/Downtime'; $aed_dt = createInstance($if, 2, $req_par); // create TASAR $req_par = "Downtime$aed_dt20507075100"; $tasar_id = createInstance($if, 7, $req_par); } catch (Exception $e) { echo ($e); throw $e; }