sev_serv_indep); } public function setSevServIndep($alm_sev) { parent::setSevServIndep($alm_sev->getValue()); } public function getSevServUnaff() { return new AlarmSevty($this->sev_serv_unaff); } public function setSevServUnaff($alm_sev) { parent::setSevServUnaff($alm_sev->getValue()); } public function getSevServAff() { return new AlarmSevty($this->sev_serv_aff); } public function setSevServAff($alm_sev) { parent::setSevServAff($alm_sev->getValue()); } public function getEvtSelMode() { return new SelectMode($this->evt_sel_mode); } public function setEvtSelMode($sel_mode) { parent::setEvtSelMode($sel_mode->getValue()); } public function getAsgtEvtSel() { $aes_lst = $this->getAess(); $aed_ids = array (); foreach ($aes_lst as $aes) { $aed_ids[] = $aes->getAlarmEventDescriptor()->getId(); } return $aed_ids; } public function setAsgtEvtSel($value) { $aes_lst = $this->getAess(); foreach ($aes_lst as $aes) { $aes->delete(); } $this->clearAess(); // this is necessary to erase the aes buffer foreach ($value as $aed_id) { $aes = new AssignmentEventSelector(); $aes->setAlarmSeverityAssignmentRule($this); $aes->setAedId($aed_id); $aes->save(); } return; } /** * Overrides parent method to maintain modification counting */ public function save(PropelPDO $con = null) { if ($this->isNew() || $this->mod >= 999999) { $this->setMod(0); } else { $this->setMod($this->mod + 1); } return parent::save($con); } } // AlarmSeverityAssignmentRule