host_addr_sel); } public function setHostAddrSel($host_addr_sel) { parent::setHostAddrSel($host_addr_sel->getValue()); } public function getHostAddr() { return new HostAddr($this->host_addr_sel, $this->host_addr_val); } public function setHostAddr(HostAddr $host_addr) { parent::setHostAddrSel($host_addr->getSelector()->getValue()); parent::setHostAddrVal($host_addr->getValue()); } /** * Overrides parent method to prepare attribute values if needed **/ public function getByName($name, $type = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME) { switch($name) { case "host_addr": return $this->getHostAddr(); default: return parent::getByName($name, $type); } // switch() } /** * Overrides parent method to replace attribute values if needed **/ public function setByName($name, $value, $type = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME) { switch($name) { case "host_addr": $this->setHostAddr($value); return; default: return parent::setByName($name, $value, $type); } // switch() } /** * Overrides parent method to maintain modification counting */ public function save(PropelPDO $con = null) { if ($this->isNew() || $this->mod >= 999999) { $this->setMod(0); } else { $this->setMod($this->mod + 1); } return parent::save($con); } } // AlarmingManagementHost