array ( "default" => "viewSelection" ), "ListView" => array ( "Info" => "info", "ClassSelect" => "listView", "default" => "viewSelection", "Edit" => "edit", "Copy" => "copy", "Add" => "add", "Delete" => "delete" ), "DetailView" => array ( "Edit" => "edit", "Info" => "info", "List" => "listView", "submit" => "submitDetailView", "Copy" => "copy", "create" => "create", "Delete" => "delete" ), "RelatedListView" => array ( "back" => "listView", "submit" => "submitRelatedListView" ) ); private $event; public function doIt() { // check page $redirect_url = $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]; $page = preg_replace("/.php$/", "", $redirect_url); $page = preg_replace("!^.*/!", "", $page); if ($page == "") $page = "index"; // read request type //$requestMethod = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]; // read event if (isset($_GET["event"])) $this->event = $_GET["event"]; else $this->event = "default"; if (!isset($this->control_arr[$page][$this->event])) throw new Exception ("No action registered for $page/".$this->event); $action = $this->control_arr[$page][$this->event]; $method = new ReflectionMethod("GenadControl", $action); $method->invoke($this, null); } public function processAdmin() { switch ($event) { case "ClassSelect": $listView = new ListView(); $className = $_GET["class"]; $instList = new GenadInstanceList($className); $listView->view($instList); break; case "Info": break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid event"); } } public function listView() { $this->evalAppclass($app, $class); $listView = new ListView($app); $xmlFormatter = new XmlFormatter(); $xmlFormatter->initResult(); $xmlFormatter->formatElement(OutputFormatter::FC_BEG, "and"); if (array_key_exists("filter", $_GET)) { $filter = $_GET["filter"]; $f_arr = explode(" ", $filter); foreach ($f_arr as $f_item) { $f_elems = explode("-", $f_item); $xmlFormatter->formatElement(OutputFormatter::FC_BEG, "item", null, array(co => "equal")); $xmlFormatter->formatElement(OutputFormatter::FC_SGL, $f_elems[0], $f_elems[1], null); $xmlFormatter->formatElement(OutputFormatter::FC_END); } } $filterXml = $xmlFormatter->printIt(); $instList = new GenadInstanceList($app, $class, null, $filterXml); $listView->view($instList); } public function create() { if ($_POST["create"]) { $this->evalAppclass($app, $class); // create empty instance $inst = GenadInstance::load($app, $class, 0); // update instance $inst->update($_POST); // send data to server $outputFormatter = new XmlFormatter(); $inst->formatOutput($outputFormatter, false); $if = new GenadIf($app); $err = $if->performCreate($inst->getClassId(), $outputFormatter->printIt(), $id); if ($err == 0) { // reload page $appclass = $_GET["appclass"]; header("Location:DetailView.php?event=List&appclass=$appclass"); exit(); } $view = new ErrorView($app); $view->view($err, $class, $id); } else throw new Exception("Invalid POST request"); } public function delete() { $this->evalAppclass($app, $class); $id = $_GET["Id"]; $mod = $_GET["mod"]; $if = new GenadIf($app); $err = $if->performDelete($class, $id, $mod); if ($err == 0) { // reload page $appclass = $_GET["appclass"]; header("Location:DetailView.php?event=List&appclass=$appclass"); exit(); } $view = new ErrorView($app); $view->view($err, $class, $id); } public function submitDetailView() { if ($_POST["save"]) { $this->evalAppclass($app, $class); $id = $_GET["Id"]; $mod = $_GET["mod"]; // Hinweis für Debugger: // Setze $_GET["DEBUG"] = "true"; // dann wird die Instance vom Server statt aus dem Cookie geholt. // update instance if (isset($_GET["DEBUG"])) { $if = new GenadIf($app); $inst = GenadInstance::load($app, $class, $id); } else { $inst = Session::getInstance()->get("$app$class$id"); $inst->recover(); } $inst->update($_POST); // send data to server $outputFormatter = new XmlFormatter(); $inst->formatOutput($outputFormatter, true); $if = new GenadIf($app); $err = $if->performSet($inst->getClassId(), $outputFormatter->printIt()); if ($err == 0) { // reload page $appclass = $_GET["appclass"]; header("Location:DetailView.php?event=Info&appclass=$appclass&Id=$id"); exit(); } $view = new ErrorView($app); $view->view($err, $class, $id); } else throw new Exception("Invalid POST request"); } public function submitRelatedListView() { if ($_POST["save"]) { $rel_cls = $_POST["related_class"]; // TODO Aktuelle Werte aus Cache holen + zuvor schreiben $this->evalAppclass($app, $class); $id = $_GET["Id"]; $mod = $_GET["mod"]; $inst = GenadInstance::load($app, $class); // send data to server $inst->updateRelatedList($rel_cls, $_POST); $outputFormatter = new XmlFormatter(); $inst->formatOutput($outputFormatter, true); $if = new GenadIf($app); $err = $if->performSet($class, $outputFormatter->printIt()); if ($err == 0) { // reload page $appclass = $_GET["appclass"]; header("Location:DetailView.php?event=Info&appclass=$appclass&Id=$id"); exit(); } $view = new ErrorView($app); $view->view($err, $class, $id); } // TODO: Edit main inst impl else throw new Exception("Invalid POST request"); } public function viewSelection() { $view = new ListView(); $view->viewSelection(); } public function info() { $this->edi_inf(DetailView::DV_READ_ONLY); } public function edit() { $this->edi_inf(DetailView::DV_EDIT); } public function copy() { $this->edi_inf(DetailView::DV_NEW, self::GC_COPY); } public function add() { $this->edi_inf(DetailView::DV_NEW, self::GC_EMPTY); } private function edi_inf($mode, $inst_mode = self::GC_SAME) { $appclass = $_GET["appclass"]; $this->evalAppclass($app, $class); if ($inst_mode == self::GC_EMPTY) $id = 0; else { $id = $_GET["Id"]; if ($id == 0) throw new Exception ("No instance defined."); } $detailView = new DetailView($app); // define instance $inst = GenadInstance::load($app, $class, $id); if ($inst_mode == self::GC_COPY) { $inst->resetIdentity(); // reset id $id = 0; } if ($mode != DetailView::DV_READ_ONLY) // Instance in cache schreiben Session::getInstance()->set("$app$class$id", $inst); $detailView->view($inst, $mode, $appclass); } private function evalAppclass(&$app, &$class) { $appclass = $_GET["appclass"]; $app = preg_replace("/ .*/", "", $appclass); $class = preg_replace("/.* /", "", $appclass); if ($app == "") throw new Exception("No valid application in request"); if ($class == "") throw new Exception("No valid class in request"); } /* this function checks whether the "Edit this list" button * was pressed. * @result true: the button was pressed + the moc-id is returned * @retult false: any other button was pressed */ private function relClassEdit($post_arr, &$rel_cls) { if ($_POST["EditRelList_1"]) { $rel_cls = 1; return true; } // TODO: richtige key-Funktion suchen //foreach (keys($post_arr) as $key) { foreach ($post_arr as $key) { // TODO durch substring-Funktion ersetzen if ($key == "Edit this list") { $rel_cls = 1; return true; } return false; } } }