app = $app; include "name_map.php"; } //TODO: Diese Funktion in eine Superklasse auslagern. private function getGuiString($key) { $value = $this->nameMap[$key]; if ($value == "") return $key; return $value; } public function view ($err=0, $class=0, $id=0) { echo<< SysAl Adminitration

Error occurred

ERRVIEW; if ($err != 0) { if ($err == GenericAdmin::EC_DUPL_INST) echo "

The instance you try to create is already existing

"; else if ($err == GenericAdmin::EC_ATT_MISS) echo "

The instance you try to create has missing attributes

"; else if ($err == GenericAdmin::EC_INT_VIOL) echo "

The action performed led to a referential integrity problem

"; else echo "

The error id is $err.

"; } if ($class != 0 && $id == 0) { $appclass = $this->app." ".$class; echo<<

CONT1; } if ($class != 0 && $id != 0) { $appclass = $this->app." ".$class; echo<<

CONT2; } echo "