defines the interface for a Propel database adapter. * *

Support for new databases is added by subclassing * DBAdapter and implementing its abstract interface, and by * registering the new database adapter and corresponding Propel * driver in the private adapters map (array) in this class.

* *

The Propel database adapters exist to present a uniform * interface to database access across all available databases. Once * the necessary adapters have been written and configured, * transparent swapping of databases is theoretically supported with * zero code change and minimal configuration file * modifications.

* * @author Hans Lellelid (Propel) * @author Jon S. Stevens (Torque) * @author Brett McLaughlin (Torque) * @author Daniel Rall (Torque) * @version $Revision: 2023 $ * @package propel.runtime.adapter */ abstract class DBAdapter { const ID_METHOD_NONE = 0; const ID_METHOD_AUTOINCREMENT = 1; const ID_METHOD_SEQUENCE = 2; /** * Propel driver to Propel adapter map. * @var array */ private static $adapters = array( 'mysql' => 'DBMySQL', 'mysqli' => 'DBMySQLi', 'mssql' => 'DBMSSQL', 'sqlsrv' => 'DBSQLSRV', 'oracle' => 'DBOracle', 'oci' => 'DBOracle', 'pgsql' => 'DBPostgres', 'sqlite' => 'DBSQLite', '' => 'DBNone', ); /** * Creates a new instance of the database adapter associated * with the specified Propel driver. * * @param string $driver The name of the Propel driver to * create a new adapter instance for or a shorter form adapter key. * @return DBAdapter An instance of a Propel database adapter. * @throws PropelException if the adapter could not be instantiated. */ public static function factory($driver) { $adapterClass = isset(self::$adapters[$driver]) ? self::$adapters[$driver] : null; if ($adapterClass !== null) { $a = new $adapterClass(); return $a; } else { throw new PropelException("Unsupported Propel driver: " . $driver . ": Check your configuration file"); } } /** * This method is called after a connection was created to run necessary * post-initialization queries or code. * * If a charset was specified, this will be set before any other queries * are executed. * * This base method runs queries specified using the "query" setting. * * @param PDO A PDO connection instance. * @param array An array of settings. * @see setCharset() */ public function initConnection(PDO $con, array $settings) { if (isset($settings['charset']['value'])) { $this->setCharset($con, $settings['charset']['value']); } if (isset($settings['queries']) && is_array($settings['queries'])) { foreach ($settings['queries'] as $queries) { foreach ((array)$queries as $query) { $con->exec($query); } } } } /** * Sets the character encoding using SQL standard SET NAMES statement. * * This method is invoked from the default initConnection() method and must * be overridden for an RDMBS which does _not_ support this SQL standard. * * @param PDO A PDO connection instance. * @param string The charset encoding. * @see initConnection() */ public function setCharset(PDO $con, $charset) { $con->exec("SET NAMES '" . $charset . "'"); } /** * This method is used to ignore case. * * @param string The string to transform to upper case. * @return string The upper case string. */ public abstract function toUpperCase($in); /** * Returns the character used to indicate the beginning and end of * a piece of text used in a SQL statement (generally a single * quote). * * @return string The text delimeter. */ public function getStringDelimiter() { return '\''; } /** * This method is used to ignore case. * * @param string $in The string whose case to ignore. * @return string The string in a case that can be ignored. */ public abstract function ignoreCase($in); /** * This method is used to ignore case in an ORDER BY clause. * Usually it is the same as ignoreCase, but some databases * (Interbase for example) does not use the same SQL in ORDER BY * and other clauses. * * @param string $in The string whose case to ignore. * @return string The string in a case that can be ignored. */ public function ignoreCaseInOrderBy($in) { return $this->ignoreCase($in); } /** * Returns SQL which concatenates the second string to the first. * * @param string String to concatenate. * @param string String to append. * @return string */ public abstract function concatString($s1, $s2); /** * Returns SQL which extracts a substring. * * @param string String to extract from. * @param int Offset to start from. * @param int Number of characters to extract. * @return string */ public abstract function subString($s, $pos, $len); /** * Returns SQL which calculates the length (in chars) of a string. * * @param string String to calculate length of. * @return string */ public abstract function strLength($s); /** * Quotes database objec identifiers (table names, col names, sequences, etc.). * @param string $text The identifier to quote. * @return string The quoted identifier. */ public function quoteIdentifier($text) { return '"' . $text . '"'; } /** * Quotes a database table which could have space seperating it from an alias, both should be identified seperately * @param string $table The table name to quo * @return string The quoted table name **/ public function quoteIdentifierTable($table) { return implode(" ", array_map(array($this, "quoteIdentifier"), explode(" ", $table) ) ); } /** * Returns the native ID method for this RDBMS. * @return int one of DBAdapter:ID_METHOD_SEQUENCE, DBAdapter::ID_METHOD_AUTOINCREMENT. */ protected function getIdMethod() { return DBAdapter::ID_METHOD_AUTOINCREMENT; } /** * Whether this adapter uses an ID generation system that requires getting ID _before_ performing INSERT. * @return boolean */ public function isGetIdBeforeInsert() { return ($this->getIdMethod() === DBAdapter::ID_METHOD_SEQUENCE); } /** * Whether this adapter uses an ID generation system that requires getting ID _before_ performing INSERT. * @return boolean */ public function isGetIdAfterInsert() { return ($this->getIdMethod() === DBAdapter::ID_METHOD_AUTOINCREMENT); } /** * Gets the generated ID (either last ID for autoincrement or next sequence ID). * @return mixed */ public function getId(PDO $con, $name = null) { return $con->lastInsertId($name); } /** * Returns timestamp formatter string for use in date() function. * @return string */ public function getTimestampFormatter() { return "Y-m-d H:i:s"; } /** * Returns date formatter string for use in date() function. * @return string */ public function getDateFormatter() { return "Y-m-d"; } /** * Returns time formatter string for use in date() function. * @return string */ public function getTimeFormatter() { return "H:i:s"; } /** * Should Column-Names get identifiers for inserts or updates. * By default false is returned -> backwards compability. * * it`s a workaround...!!! * * @todo should be abstract * @return boolean * @deprecated */ public function useQuoteIdentifier() { return false; } /** * Allows manipulation of the query string before PDOStatement is instantiated. * * @param string $sql The sql statement * @param array $params array('column' => ..., 'table' => ..., 'value' => ...) * @param Criteria $values * @param DatabaseMap $dbMap */ public function cleanupSQL(&$sql, array &$params, Criteria $values, DatabaseMap $dbMap) { } /** * Modifies the passed-in SQL to add LIMIT and/or OFFSET. */ public abstract function applyLimit(&$sql, $offset, $limit); /** * Gets the SQL string that this adapter uses for getting a random number. * * @param mixed $seed (optional) seed value for databases that support this */ public abstract function random($seed = null); /** * Returns the "DELETE FROM [AS ]" part of DELETE query. * @return string * @author Niklas Närhinen */ public function getDeleteFromClause($criteria, $tableName) { $sql = 'DELETE '; if ($queryComment = $criteria->getComment()) { $sql .= '/* ' . $queryComment . ' */ '; } if ($realTableName = $criteria->getTableForAlias($tableName)) { if ($this->useQuoteIdentifier()) { $realTableName = $this->quoteIdentifierTable($realTableName); } $sql .= $tableName . ' FROM ' . $realTableName . ' AS ' . $tableName; } else { if ($this->useQuoteIdentifier()) { $tableName = $this->quoteIdentifierTable($tableName); } $sql .= 'FROM ' . $tableName; } return $sql; } /** * Builds the SELECT part of a SQL statement based on a Criteria * taking into account select columns and 'as' columns (i.e. columns aliases) * Move from BasePeer to DBAdapter and turn from static to non static */ public function createSelectSqlPart(Criteria $criteria, &$fromClause, $aliasAll = false) { $selectClause = array(); if ($aliasAll) { $this->turnSelectColumnsToAliases($criteria); // no select columns after that, they are all aliases } else { foreach ($criteria->getSelectColumns() as $columnName) { // expect every column to be of "table.column" formation // it could be a function: e.g. MAX(books.price) $tableName = null; $selectClause[] = $columnName; // the full column name: e.g. MAX(books.price) $parenPos = strrpos($columnName, '('); $dotPos = strrpos($columnName, '.', ($parenPos !== false ? $parenPos : 0)); if ($dotPos !== false) { if ($parenPos === false) { // table.column $tableName = substr($columnName, 0, $dotPos); } else { // FUNC(table.column) // functions may contain qualifiers so only take the last // word as the table name. // COUNT(DISTINCT books.price) $lastSpace = strpos($tableName, ' '); if ($lastSpace !== false) { // COUNT(DISTINCT books.price) $tableName = substr($tableName, $lastSpace + 1); } else { $tableName = substr($columnName, $parenPos + 1, $dotPos - ($parenPos + 1)); } } // is it a table alias? $tableName2 = $criteria->getTableForAlias($tableName); if ($tableName2 !== null) { $fromClause[] = $tableName2 . ' ' . $tableName; } else { $fromClause[] = $tableName; } } // if $dotPost !== false } } // set the aliases foreach ($criteria->getAsColumns() as $alias => $col) { $selectClause[] = $col . ' AS ' . $alias; } $selectModifiers = $criteria->getSelectModifiers(); $queryComment = $criteria->getComment(); // Build the SQL from the arrays we compiled $sql = "SELECT " . ($queryComment ? '/* ' . $queryComment . ' */ ' : '') . ($selectModifiers ? (implode(' ', $selectModifiers) . ' ') : '') . implode(", ", $selectClause); return $sql; } /** * Ensures uniqueness of select column names by turning them all into aliases * This is necessary for queries on more than one table when the tables share a column name * @see * Move from BasePeer to DBAdapter and turn from static to non static * * @param Criteria $criteria * * @return Criteria The input, with Select columns replaced by aliases */ public function turnSelectColumnsToAliases(Criteria $criteria) { $selectColumns = $criteria->getSelectColumns(); // clearSelectColumns also clears the aliases, so get them too $asColumns = $criteria->getAsColumns(); $criteria->clearSelectColumns(); $columnAliases = $asColumns; // add the select columns back foreach ($selectColumns as $clause) { // Generate a unique alias $baseAlias = preg_replace('/\W/', '_', $clause); $alias = $baseAlias; // If it already exists, add a unique suffix $i = 0; while (isset($columnAliases[$alias])) { $i++; $alias = $baseAlias . '_' . $i; } // Add it as an alias $criteria->addAsColumn($alias, $clause); $columnAliases[$alias] = $clause; } // Add the aliases back, don't modify them foreach ($asColumns as $name => $clause) { $criteria->addAsColumn($name, $clause); } return $criteria; } }