* * @author Hans Lellelid (Propel) * @author Hakan Tandogan (Torque) * @version $Revision: 1909 $ * @package propel.runtime.adapter */ class DBPostgres extends DBAdapter { /** * This method is used to ignore case. * * @param string $in The string to transform to upper case. * @return string The upper case string. */ public function toUpperCase($in) { return "UPPER(" . $in . ")"; } /** * This method is used to ignore case. * * @param in The string whose case to ignore. * @return The string in a case that can be ignored. */ public function ignoreCase($in) { return "UPPER(" . $in . ")"; } /** * Returns SQL which concatenates the second string to the first. * * @param string String to concatenate. * @param string String to append. * @return string */ public function concatString($s1, $s2) { return "($s1 || $s2)"; } /** * Returns SQL which extracts a substring. * * @param string String to extract from. * @param int Offset to start from. * @param int Number of characters to extract. * @return string */ public function subString($s, $pos, $len) { return "substring($s from $pos" . ($len > -1 ? "for $len" : "") . ")"; } /** * Returns SQL which calculates the length (in chars) of a string. * * @param string String to calculate length of. * @return string */ public function strLength($s) { return "char_length($s)"; } /** * @see DBAdapter::getIdMethod() */ protected function getIdMethod() { return DBAdapter::ID_METHOD_SEQUENCE; } /** * Gets ID for specified sequence name. */ public function getId(PDO $con, $name = null) { if ($name === null) { throw new PropelException("Unable to fetch next sequence ID without sequence name."); } $stmt = $con->query("SELECT nextval(".$con->quote($name).")"); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); return $row[0]; } /** * Returns timestamp formatter string for use in date() function. * @return string */ public function getTimestampFormatter() { return "Y-m-d H:i:s O"; } /** * Returns timestamp formatter string for use in date() function. * @return string */ public function getTimeFormatter() { return "H:i:s O"; } /** * @see DBAdapter::applyLimit() */ public function applyLimit(&$sql, $offset, $limit) { if ( $limit > 0 ) { $sql .= " LIMIT ".$limit; } if ( $offset > 0 ) { $sql .= " OFFSET ".$offset; } } /** * @see DBAdapter::random() */ public function random($seed=NULL) { return 'random()'; } /** * @see DBAdapter::getDeleteFromClause() */ public function getDeleteFromClause($criteria, $tableName) { $sql = 'DELETE '; if ($queryComment = $criteria->getComment()) { $sql .= '/* ' . $queryComment . ' */ '; } if ($realTableName = $criteria->getTableForAlias($tableName)) { if ($this->useQuoteIdentifier()) { $realTableName = $this->quoteIdentifierTable($realTableName); } $sql .= 'FROM ' . $realTableName . ' AS ' . $tableName; } else { if ($this->useQuoteIdentifier()) { $tableName = $this->quoteIdentifierTable($tableName); } $sql .= 'FROM ' . $tableName; } return $sql; } }