4 [%- USE L %][%- USE P -%]
5 [%- SET follow_up_trans_info = invnumber _ ' (' _ customer_obj.name _ ')' %]
6 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/common.js"></script>
7 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/delivery_customer_selection.js"></script>
8 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/calculate_qty.js"></script>
9 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/follow_up.js"></script>
11 <form method="post" id='form' name="invoice" action="[% script %]">
13 [%- FOREACH key = HIDDENS %]
14 <input type="hidden" name="[% HTML.escape(key) %]" id="[% HTML.escape(key) %]" value="[% HTML.escape($key) %]">
16 <input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_id_1" id="follow_up_trans_id_1" value="[% id %]">
17 <input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_type_1" id="follow_up_trans_type_1" value="sales_invoice">
18 <input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_info_1" id="follow_up_trans_info_1" value="[% HTML.escape(follow_up_trans_info) %]">
19 <input type="hidden" name="follow_up_rowcount" id="follow_up_rowcount" value="1">
20 <input type="hidden" name="lastmtime" id="lastmtime" value="[% HTML.escape(lastmtime) %]">
24 <p>[% saved_message %]</p>
26 [%- INCLUDE 'common/flash.html' %]
27 [%- INCLUDE 'generic/set_longdescription.html' %]
29 <div id="is_tabs" class="tabwidget">
31 <li><a href="#ui-tabs-basic-data">[% 'Basic Data' | $T8 %]</a></li>
32 [%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_webdav %]
33 <li><a href="#ui-tabs-webdav">[% 'WebDAV' | $T8 %]</a></li>
36 [%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_doc_storage %]
37 <li><a href="controller.pl?action=File/list&file_type=document&object_type=[% type %]&object_id=[% HTML.url(id) %]">[% 'Documents' | $T8 %]</a></li>
38 <li><a href="controller.pl?action=File/list&file_type=attachment&object_type=[% type %]&object_id=[% HTML.url(id) %]">[% 'Attachments' | $T8 %]</a></li>
40 [%- IF AUTH.assert('record_links', 1) %]
41 <li><a href="controller.pl?action=RecordLinks/ajax_list&object_model=Invoice&object_id=[% HTML.url(id) %]">[% 'Linked Records' | $T8 %]</a></li>
43 [%- IF AUTH.assert('invoice_edit', 1) %]
44 <li><a href="[% 'controller.pl?action=AccTrans/list_transactions&trans_id=' _ HTML.url(id) | html %]">[% LxERP.t8('Transactions') %]</a></li>
49 <div id="ui-tabs-basic-data">
55 <th align="right">[% 'Customer' | $T8 %]</th>
57 [% P.customer_vendor.picker("customer_id", customer_id, type="customer", style="width: 250px", class="initial_focus", onchange="\$('#update_button').click()") %]
58 [% L.button_tag("show_vc_details('customer')", LxERP.t8('Details (one letter abbreviation)')) %]
59 [% P.link_tag('controller.pl?action=CustomerVendor/edit&db=customer&id=' _ customer_id, LxERP.t8('Edit'), target="_blank", title=LxERP.t8('Open in new window')) %]
60 [% L.hidden_tag("previous_customer_id", customer_id) %]
61 [% L.hidden_tag("customer_pricegroup_id", customer_pricegroup_id) %]
64 [%- IF ALL_CONTACTS.size %]
66 <th align="right">[% 'Contact Person' | $T8 %]</th>
68 [% L.select_tag('cp_id', ALL_CONTACTS, default = cp_id, value_key = 'cp_id', title_key = 'full_name_dep', with_empty = 1, style = 'width: 250px') %]
73 <th align="right">[% 'Shipping Address' | $T8 %]</th>
75 [%- IF ALL_SHIPTO.size %]
76 [% shiptos = [ [ "", LxERP.t8("No/individual shipping address") ] ] ;
77 L.select_tag('shipto_id', shiptos.import(ALL_SHIPTO), default=shipto_id, value_key='shipto_id', title_key='displayable_id', style='width: 250px') %]
79 [% L.button_tag("kivi.SalesPurchase.edit_custom_shipto()", LxERP.t8("Custom shipto")) %]
83 [%- IF customer_obj.additional_billing_addresses.as_list.size %]
85 <th align="right">[% 'Custom Billing Address' | $T8 %]</th>
87 [% L.select_tag('billing_address_id', customer_obj.additional_billing_addresses,
88 with_empty=1, default=billing_address_id, value_key='id', title_key='displayable_id', style='width: 250px') %]
94 <td align="right">[% 'Credit Limit' | $T8 %]</td>
96 [% LxERP.format_amount(creditlimit, 0, '0') %]; [% 'Remaining' | $T8 %]
97 <span class="plus[% IF is_credit_remaining_negativ %]0[% ELSE %]1[% END %]">[% LxERP.format_amount(creditremaining,0 ,'0') %]</span>
100 [%- IF max_dunning_level || dunning_description %]
102 <th align="right" valign="top">[% LxERP.t8("Dunning status") %]</th>
104 [% IF dunning_description %]
105 <span class="dunned_invoice">[% LxERP.t8("This invoice's dunning level: #1", dunning_description) %]</span>
106 [% IF max_dunning_level %]<br>[% END %]
108 [% IF max_dunning_level %]
109 <span class="customer_dunning_level">
110 [% LxERP.t8("Customer's current maximum dunning level: #1", max_dunning_level) %]
112 [% LxERP.t8("Dunned open amount: #1", LxERP.format_amount(dunning_amount, 2)) %]
118 [%- IF invoice_obj.sepa_exports.as_list.size %]
120 <th align="right">[% LxERP.t8("SEPA exports") %]</th>
122 [% FOREACH export = invoice_obj.sepa_exports.as_list %]
123 <a href="sepa.pl?action=bank_transfer_edit&vc=customer&id=[% HTML.url(export.id) %]">[% HTML.escape(export.id) %]</a>
124 [% UNLESS loop.last %], [% END %]
131 <th align="right">[% 'Customer type' | $T8 %]</th>
132 <td>[% business %]; [% 'Trade Discount' | $T8 %] [% LxERP.format_amount(tradediscount * 100) %] %</td>
136 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Record in' | $T8 %]</th>
138 <select name="AR" style="width:250px;">[% selectAR %]</select>
139 <input type="hidden" name="selectAR" value="[% selectAR | html %]">
143 <th align="right">[% 'Steuersatz' | $T8 %]</th>
145 [% L.select_tag('taxzone_id', ( id ? ALL_TAXZONES : ALL_ACTIVE_TAXZONES) , default = taxzone_id, title_key = 'description', disabled = (id ? 1 : 0), style='width: 250px', onchange = "document.getElementById('update_button').click();") %]
147 <input type='hidden' name='taxzone_id' value='[% taxzone_id %]'>
153 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Language' | $T8 %]</th>
155 [% L.select_tag('language_id', ALL_LANGUAGES, default = language_id, title_key = 'description', with_empty = 1, style = 'width:250px') %]
161 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Department' | $T8 %]</th>
163 [% L.select_tag('department_id', ALL_DEPARTMENTS, default = department_id, title_key = 'description', with_empty = 1, style = 'width:250px') %]
169 <th align="right">[% 'Currency' | $T8 %]</th>
170 <td>[% currencies %]</td>
173 <tr style='display:none'>
175 <input type="hidden" name="fxgain_accno" value="[% fxgain_accno %]">
176 <input type="hidden" name="fxloss_accno" value="[% fxloss_accno %]">
177 <input type="hidden" name="rndgain_accno" value="[% rndgain_accno %]">
178 <input type="hidden" name="rndloss_accno" value="[% rndloss_accno %]">
181 [%- IF show_exchangerate %]
183 <th align="right">[% 'Exchangerate' | $T8 %]</th>
186 [% LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate, 5) %]
188 <input name="exchangerate" size="10" value="[% HTML.escape(LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate)) %]">
194 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Shipping Point' | $T8 %]</th>
195 <td colspan="3"><input size='35' name="shippingpoint" value="[% HTML.escape(shippingpoint) %]"></td>
198 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Ship via' | $T8 %]</th>
199 <td colspan="3"><input size='35' name="shipvia" value="[% HTML.escape(shipvia) %]"></td>
202 <th align="right">[% 'Transaction description' | $T8 %]</th>
203 <td colspan="3">[% L.input_tag("transaction_description", transaction_description, size=35, "data-validate"=INSTANCE_CONF.get_require_transaction_description_ps ? 'required' : '') %]</td>
207 <td align="right" valign="top">
210 <th align="right">[% 'Employee' | $T8 %]</th>
212 [% L.select_tag('employee_id', ALL_EMPLOYEES, default = employee_id, title_key = 'safe_name') %]
215 [%- IF ALL_SALESMEN.size %]
217 <th align="right">[% 'Salesman' | $T8 %]</th>
219 [% L.select_tag('salesman_id', ALL_SALESMEN, default = (salesman_id ? salesman_id : employee_id), title_key = 'safe_name') %]
224 [%- IF is_type_credit_note %]
226 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Credit Note Number' | $T8 %]</th>
228 [%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_sales_purchase_record_numbers_changeable %]
229 [% L.input_tag("invnumber", invnumber, size="11") %]
231 [% L.hidden_tag("invnumber", invnumber) %]
232 [% HTML.escape(invnumber) %]
234 [% LxERP.t8("will be set upon posting") %]
239 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Invoice Number' | $T8 %]</th>
240 <td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="invnumber_for_credit_note" id="invnumber_for_credit_note" value="[% HTML.escape(invnumber_for_credit_note) %]"></td>
243 <th align="right">[% 'Credit Note Date' | $T8 %]</th>
244 <td>[% L.date_tag('invdate', invdate, onchange='kivi.SalesPurchase.set_duedate_on_reference_date_change("invdate")') %]</td>
248 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Invoice Number' | $T8 %]</th>
250 [%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_sales_purchase_record_numbers_changeable %]
251 [% L.input_tag("invnumber", invnumber, size="11") %]
253 [% L.hidden_tag("invnumber", invnumber) %]
254 [% HTML.escape(invnumber) %]
256 [% LxERP.t8("will be set upon posting") %]
261 <th align="right">[% 'Invoice Date' | $T8 %]</th>
262 <td>[% L.date_tag('invdate', invdate, onchange='kivi.SalesPurchase.set_duedate_on_reference_date_change("invdate")') %]</td>
265 <th align="right">[% 'Due Date' | $T8 %]</th>
267 <span id="duedate_container"[% IF payment_terms_obj.auto_calculation %] style="display:none"[% END %]>[% L.date_tag('duedate', duedate) %]</span>
268 <span id="duedate_fixed"[% IF !payment_terms_obj.auto_calculation %] style="display:none"[% END %]>[% HTML.escape(duedate) %]</span>
273 <th align="right" nowrap>[% LxERP.t8('Tax point') %]</th>
274 <td nowrap>[% L.date_tag('tax_point', tax_point, id='tax_point') %]</td>
276 [%- IF !is_type_credit_note %]
278 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Delivery Order Number' | $T8 %]</th>
279 <td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="donumber" id="donumber" value="[% HTML.escape(donumber) %]"></td>
283 <th align="right">[% 'Delivery Date' | $T8 %]</th>
284 <td>[% L.date_tag('deliverydate', deliverydate) %]</td>
287 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Order Number' | $T8 %]</th>
288 <td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="ordnumber" id="ordnumber" value="[% HTML.escape(ordnumber) %]"></td>
291 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Order Date' | $T8 %]</th>
292 <td>[% L.date_tag('orddate', orddate) %]</td>
295 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Quotation Number' | $T8 %]</th>
296 <td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="quonumber" id="quonumber" value="[% HTML.escape(quonumber) %]"></td>
299 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Quotation Date' | $T8 %]</th>
300 <td>[% L.date_tag('quodate', quodate) %]</td>
303 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Customer Order Number' | $T8 %]</th>
304 <td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="cusordnumber" id="cusordnumber" value="[% HTML.escape(cusordnumber) %]"></td>
307 <th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Project Number' | $T8 %]</th>
309 [%- L.select_tag('globalproject_id', ALL_PROJECTS, title_key = 'projectnumber', default = globalproject_id, with_empty = '1', onChange = "document.getElementById('update_button').click();") %]
315 <tr style='display:none'>
317 <input type="hidden" name="webdav" value="[% webdav %]">
322 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_form_details.js"></script>
323 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_vc_details.js"></script>
324 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_history.js"></script>
325 <script type="text/javascript">
327 $('document').ready(function(){
328 [% IF resubmit && is_format_html %]
329 window.open('about:blank','Beleg');
330 document.invoice.target = 'Beleg';
331 kivi.SalesPurchase.show_print_dialog();
332 kivi.SalesPurchase.print_record();
334 kivi.SalesPurchase.show_print_dialog();
335 kivi.SalesPurchase.print_record();
336 [% ELSIF creditwarning != '' %]
337 alert('[% 'Credit Limit exceeded!!!' | $T8 %]');